If one of the updates fails, you can re-throw the exception to the UI tier and exit the method without attempting to update EIS2. 如果其中一个更新失败,那么可以向UI层重新抛出异常,退出该方法,不再更新EIS2。
An exception thrown from a finally block supersedes the exception that caused the block to exit, which means the original exception is lost and cannot be used to aid in the debugging effort. 从finally块抛出的异常取代导致块退出的异常,这意味着原来的异常丢失了,不能用于帮助进行调试。
No matter on which stage, investors without exception, will ensure that oneself can safe exit the target company in the future as work of gravity. 无论在哪个阶段,投资者无一例外地将确保自己能够在未来安稳退出目标公司作为工作的重心。